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Product Photography - Leather Bags & Belts

Last week I finished a product photography job for a local Amazon retailer. He asked for shots on white he could use to get his products on Amazon with the hope afterward to do a lifestyle shoot with models hiking and using these satchels. This was a pretty basic request, but I wanted to take it to the next level a bit to see if I could show him I value his business and snag him as a repeat client.

Environmental Product Photo

After delivering the work a day early, he said he loved it and would be coming back to me for future photo needs. Mission accomplished.

Photos on white for amazon

When clients succeed, and their products sell, then they come back for more and I succeed. I know what it's like to take an entrepreneurial path, and I love supporting people on theirs. And I know the power of good images in catching the customers' eye and building a brand. If you have photography needs--product photography or other commercial photography, get in touch. Let's work.

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